Friday, August 08, 2008

A few pictures of us

I don't really know how to do this blogging stuff, but I know how to put pictures in.'s a few and I'm learning how to really do this next weekend. Can't wait to get started! In the meantime, go visit if you'd like to see my family's blog. There's looks better. =)


Becca said...

Ask and ye shall receive. :) Ok you were probably going to update anyway, right? Cute pictures of your kids and your lawn is looking good!

Radel said...

yea!! you finally posted some new pictures. you need some of LaRee now that she is older! very cute!!!

Leslie and Josh said...

Ohh, she's cute. Thanks for sharing your pics. Josh says, "Hello, congrats." We miss you guys.

Leslie and Josh said...

Ok, now that Josh has seen your pics he says, "Ahh she's a doll. Hey, they got their lawn in!"

Whitney & Charlie said...

She is so cute! And you're boys are too! I love having Logan in my class, he's such a good kid. (And he always has the best drawings!)

Kyle and Tiffany said...

Wow! I was SO surprised to see new pictures on here. Very cute. I hope I'll be able to teach you something useful. :)

alicia said...

Thanks for the new pics! I bet life's crazy with three!