Friday, September 19, 2008

Fair Days

LaRee got to enjoy the fair this year.


alicia said...

She's so beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Does this mean life's getting a little less crazy and maybe there's less sleep deprivation. I hope for your sake that's the case!

Becca said...

cute pictures Rachel! How did LaRee like all that fair food? :) I guess she probably couldn't have any huh? There's always next year!

Angie said...

Rachel! Congrats! LaRee is beautiful. How fun to have a girl. Boys are fun too, it's just nice to add a little pink to the mix. It was great to talk to you the other night! Take care!

Kyle and Tiffany said...

Your blog looks really cute! Good job. :) Did the boys not like the rides? Is that why they only went on two? LaRee's blessing dress was so beautiful! I love it.

Mindy and Ryan said...

Your family is so cute, Rach! LaRee looks like a sweet little girl. I'm sure you are loving having a little girl around. I'm sure you are such a great mommy too!
Mindy (Raymond) Richards

Travis and Heather said...

She is getting so big!! Its funny how you can live in the same town and never see each other! :) haha. We should get the kids together after school sometime. I really mean it!!

Mel said...

Tag, you're it. The rules are on my blog.

Serenity said...

Hey Rachel, it's Reni. Your blog is really cute, and LaRee is just adorable!!! Wow! I can't believe how big your boys are too!!! Beautiful family!

mic said...

I miss the fair. Well not bad enough to actually come up. Good lookin family Rach

Marques said...

Hey, BJ and Rachel.

Unknown said...

Hey Hanson family! It's fun to see you in blogland. I hope all is well for you in Idaho. LaRee is a doll and your boys are so big!

Kara Jorgensen said...

Rachel!! Hey I can't believe I found your blog!! Your family is so cute!! Now we can keep in touch!

Darla said...

Hey Rache, Laree is so beautiful. I got to hold her at the Reunion for about a half an hour. She's so adorable, so are your boys. Your family is so cute! I love and miss you all and hope everything is going well!

The Turnarounds said...

Hey I don't know if I ever gave you our blog address, so here it is. Hope to see you at the library soon!

Hanging out with the Riley's said...

Rachel you must not get on here very much but it was good to see you guys the other day! Thanks for sharing with Mj. We weren't planning on Mj coming to that meeting so thanks again for help keep her entertained! Brian keeps telling us we are going to get together. Hope to do that sometime! Happy Holiday's