Friday, February 13, 2009

Aquarium Adventures

Logan is so excited about our new adventure. We talked to one of our good neighbors who had an old 20 gal fish tank. He made a deal with Logan that if he cleaned it up and took care of the fish, he could have the tank for free. So this morning we started on our project. Should be lots of fun! We will keep you updated.


Radel said...

wow 20 gallons that is big, ours is 10 gallons and it is a pain to take care of, but the fish are cool! good for Logan!! and good luck to you!!

Head Over Hills said...

Have fun with that! My kids want a pet soooo bad! I keep telling them no! I already have three animals to clean up after. I can't wait to see some fish in there!

alicia said...

Good luck. Everytime I've ever had fish I end up eventually killing them, not on purpose of course. They're very tempermental (sp?) I guess.

Melissa said...

What a cool tank! Can't wait to see the finished product!

periwinkle4 said...

How fun! I know my kids would love that! good luck!!

Mel said...

How fun. My kids would love it. They always want ot go to the doctor to see the fish. Maybe we'll just come see you. It's a lot funner and definatly cheaper!