Sunday, February 15, 2009

Secret Agent Sunday

Logan and Cooper wanted to put up there secret agent forts today. Once we got them up Shredder (from the teenage mutant ninja turtles) showed up and tried to get in. They had to protect there fort so the battle was on. So Logan and Cooper did battle and ultimately won. Yah Imagination!


Kyle and Tiffany said...

Wow! I'm impressed! There are lots of new posts on here. Way to go. Looks like you guys have been having fun. It sounds like the boys had quite the adventure this morning with their Secret Agent Fort and defeating Shredder! :)

Mel said...

Yeah for imagination! I love the games kids come up with, and their fort makes me excited for the day we've got bunk beds!

periwinkle4 said...

That is awesome! Glad they defeated Shredder! lol

Leslie and Josh said...

Josh and I think that smirk on Logans face, very cute btw, looks alot like Derryl Sealy.
Josh wants to ask, if you have any other ideas on how to start the application process out there.

You look cute with you tummy. Wish we could get together soon.

Cristy said...

HI Racheal, that is soo cute. I like your backdrop... I have the same one... lol! Nice to see your cute kids.

Kara's Party Ideas said...

hey guys! we're so happy to find your blog! it's so fun to keep in touch this way!
~ben & kara