Sunday, February 01, 2009

Why I love Primary.

Okay, so as if two hours of build in babysitting at church isn't cool enough, this is another reason why. Here are some pictures Logan Drew after primary today. The pictures are totally unsolicited! After you look at the pictures click on this link to hear Logan telling the story about his pictures. It will take you to a new page...but then just come back if you want.
We recorded the audio after he explained the pictures to us.


Leslie and Josh said...

Cute pictures. Sorry we missed you on Saturday we tried calling but we couldn't get a hold of you guys. Give us a call and lets get together.

Radel said...

what a good job!!!

periwinkle4 said...

That is so wonderful! What a smart boy and so sweet! You know you're doing something right because not everyone's kid turns out like that from Primary ; )

Jake and Amy said...

How adorable! It's nice to know that our lessons are appreciated by somebody :) We really enjoy having Logan in our Primary class.