Sunday, March 22, 2009

Loving LaRee

Logan loves to teach his little siblings all he knows. He's starting early with LaRee. =)

LaRee's first pony tails! I think Mom was more excited about getting her hair done than she was. Although this first picture sure looks like she thinks she's a pretty princess. =) She's such a little Character! What a fun personality she has!


Melissa said...

I LOVE that girl! :) She is so so funny!

Stephanie said...

What a cutie!

Leslie and Josh said...

Honestly I can't see her pony tail past that cute bow; but she sure is a cutie. What a cute little face, she thinks she's cute as can be. We ought to get together next week before we leave.

Mel said...

She is so cute. She definatly knows she's a princess. The first ponytail is very exciting. I was very excited about Ya-Ya's as well, even though she couldn't have cared less.

alicia said...

Thanks for sharing. She's absolutely adorable1

The VanOrden Family said...

oh i love her, she is such a doll!

periwinkle4 said...

SO lol CUTE! And how sweet that Logan wants to teach her! btw, we love the Dinosaur books, don't you?!

alicia said...

She's precious and looks so much like mom!!

HunsakerMama said...

I haven't caught up in blog world for a long time... cute little girl! She looks like she's full of personality! :) That'll be an advantage in life, for sure!