Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Our Faimly Photo

Thanks to Hollywood for taking our photo. ;)


Kyle and Tiffany said...

HOLY do know how to blog! I check periodically to see if some miracle has occurred, and today was my lucky day. Adorable photo.

Becca said...

My lucky day too! :) Very good photo. You guys have adorable kids! How are you doing, anyway?

Kara Jorgensen said...

Beautiful! How are the Hansons? I'm so glad that you blog!

Unknown said...

Cute picture of your family! Where was it taken?

Mel said...

Very cute picture. Your kids are getting so big! Especially LaRee. And welcome back to blogging.

Radel said...

how cute are you guys!!! will you email me a copy of that picture? I have your pic from last Christmas up on the fridge, I like to be able to see the families, it makes me happy!

Head Over Hills said...

That picture is darling! What a cute family you have!

Leslie and Josh said...

I love LaRae's facial expression. That is just too cute.

alicia said...

Holy cow!! I can't believe it- I've been waiting for a new pic! What a great one too. Were you holding out for an amazing family photo?? And you already have a gob of comments. You either have lots of friend bloggers or people are just sitting anxiously in wait of your post. :)

Marques said...

Cute family! :)

Janis said...

I would like to know where you found the green grass this time of year!!!!! BJ, are you practicing your adobe skills again?

The VanOrden Family said...

hey i found your blog!

Kerri said...

What a cute family! I'm glad I found your blog. I have a blog as well but it is locked. Sent me your email address and I will get an invite out to you. My email is

Kerri (Bunot)Herres

These are the Days. . . said...

That is such a cute family picture!

Hanging out with the Riley's said...

Hay fellow blogger! Love the new picture too cute. Lat get together for the next committee meeting Sat Feb 6th 10am. Let me know.

periwinkle4 said...

What a cute family you have! (I thought I had commented before. . .) Anyway, Just darling!